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The 6 Essentials of a Successful Paid Media Strategy

Social media is now an endless stream of new content—from influencers, brands, and regular users. Given the sheer volume of content, it can be difficult for brands to break through the noise and have their message heard by the right audience. Paid media can help brands stand out from the crowd, and using a paid media agency can ensure your paid media strategy reaches the right audience.

When implemented correctly, paid media can offer businesses the ability to build brand awareness, generate quality leads, and increase sales.

Here are the 6 essential things to consider to create a successful paid media strategy.

  • What is your goal?

As with any strategy, you need to know what your end goal is. These goals will help you determine the metrics you will track throughout the campaign. On a broad level, your goals will likely be a combination of increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and improving sales.

Once you have aligned on your goals (and created SMART goals), you can begin the rest of your paid media strategy planning.

  • Which platforms will you use?

The social media platform you decide to use for your paid media campaign will mainly be determined by your goals, target audience, and user intent. You need to fully understand your target audience and where they spend the majority of their free time online, and how they use each platform. Are they consumers or engagers?

Once you have determined the best platform to use in order to target your audience, you need to identify the type of content and copy that will help you stand out by showcasing your value.

  • Create innovative content and copy

When using paid media, you need your content to be thumb-stopping and accompanied by a call to action or incentive.

The content should be native to whichever platform you have chosen to post on, but video content is the most popular content to consume. It should also showcase why or how your product is valuable to potential customers.

The copy or spoken content should contain two key elements: a call to action (to encourage your audience to perform a desired action) or a testimonial (to convey trust and provide credibility for your products).

  • User-friendly landing page

It’s all good and well having users complete your desired action, but you need a user-friendly landing page to help complete the goal. Your landing page needs to be designed with conversions in mind—make the buying journey as easy as possible for your customers.

The landing page should only have relevant and powerful information; menus could potentially distract the visitor from taking your desired action.

  • Which metrics will you measure?

The best way to determine the success of your paid media campaign is to measure the metrics you chose when identifying your goals. Tracking your metrics as the campaign is progressing will allow you to see what’s working and what needs improving in real-time. In doing this, you can make changes to your campaign as it progresses to get the maximum value out of your spend.

  • Work with a paid media agency

Paid media agencies are experts in all-things social media and paid advertising. They understand the intricacies of social, and keep on top of all algorithm and ad platform changes, and understand how they can implement these changes so your investment is optimised. In addition, paid media agencies can help develop creative strategies that begin with organic content before boosting it to relevant audiences.

Standing out online doesn’t have to be a struggle. Taking time to consider the mentioned points and applying them to your campaign will help you begin increasing awareness, generating high quality leads, and increasing your sales.

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